Join us at EHSF 2025
It is an immense pleasure to invite you to the 14th European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation (EHSF 2025) Conference in Vilnius!
We discovered a pleasant coincidence: Vilnius is the number one dynamically developing city in CEE region. The expanding understanding of the enigmatic pathogenesis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) distinguishes it from other cutaneous inflammatory diseases and defines the dynamics for further research and treatment of this extraordinary skin condition. Despite existing enthusiasm, the development of innovative therapeutic armamentarium is undoubtedly needed. The motto “Dynamics in HS” has been chosen to reflect this need.
Dr. Rūta Gancevičienė
President of the Lithuanian Association of Dermatovenerology

In the last 10 years, HS research has increased greatly, and many new insights have been gained, but there is still much more to be discovered. Physicians require extensive knowledge of pathogenic mechanisms, trigger factors, comorbidities, and treatment options. Join us! Take this opportunity to impact HS research globally, get published in the supplement of Experimental Dermatology and submit your latest findings today.
Kindly note: Registration for the conference is mandatory for each presenting author in order for the abstract to be presented and published
Registration to EHSF Conference 2025
Gain access to a unique, educational meeting experience, available anytime, anywhere, by joining us today! The value of Membership and joining the EHSF community lasts long after the congress.
Registration Fees
Early Bird
on site attendance
200,00 €
on site attendance + on demand access
260,00 €
Regular Period
260,00 €
320,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
310,00 €
370,00 €
Early Bird
on site attendance
350,00 €
on site attendance + on demand access
410,00 €
Regular Period
460,00 €
520,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
520,00 €
580,00 €
Early Bird
on site attendance
10,00 €
on site attendance + on demand access
40,00 €
Regular Period
10,00 €
40,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
15,00 €
45,00 €
Early Bird
on site attendance
15,00 €
on site attendance + on demand access
75,00 €
Regular Period
15,00 €
75,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
25,00 €
85,00 €
Early Bird
on site attendance
50,00 €
on site attendance + on demand access
110,00 €
Regular Period
50,00 €
110,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
75,00 €
135,00 €
Early Bird
on site attendance
0,00 €
Regular Period
0,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
0,00 €
Early Bird
on site attendance
0,00 €
Regular Period
0,00 €
Late/On-site Fee
0,00 €
* Patient organization representatives will not have any access to the industrial exhibition and limited access to the media library.
** With university identity document.
*** Patients can only attend the WISH session and the Scs-7-Interactive Session on Friday. No access to any further sessions or the exhibition area.
On demand presentations will be available on the congress platform until June 30, 2025.