Welcome to EHSF 2025
It is an immense pleasure to invite you to the 14th European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation (EHSF 2025) Conference in Vilnius!
We discovered a pleasant coincidence: Vilnius is the number one dynamically developing city in CEE region. The expanding understanding of the enigmatic pathogenesis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) distinguishes it from other cutaneous inflammatory diseases and defines the dynamics for further research and treatment of this extraordinary skin condition. Despite existing enthusiasm, the development of innovative therapeutic armamentarium is undoubtedly needed. The motto “Dynamics in HS” has been chosen to reflect this need.
Due to its chronic, recurring and painful nature, HS isolates, stigmatizes patients and marks their life with deep psychological burden. On the other hand, it often becomes a challenge to involve the patient in the active control of his disease, to instill the desire to escape from the vicious circle of illness. Indeed, how many aspects remain to be clarified in order to improve the care of HS patients!
An exciting line-up of keynote speakers, panel discussions and research presentations promise to inspire and stimulate your intellectual curiosity. We hope that regardless of the winter season, the gathering of academic minds from around the world will create warm and unforgettable atmosphere that always accompanies EHSF conferences.
Representing vivid developments of science with one of the youngest communities in Europe, Vilnius is the home for numerous scientific institutions, the Vilnius University being the central one and also one of the oldest universities in Central and Eastern Europe.
On the Vilnius University observatory wall, there is the quote “Hinc itur ad astra”, which means “from here the way leads to the stars”. In today’s distracted world, let this be the thought that brings us all together for innovation, friendship, respect and peace.

Dr. Rūta Gancevičienė
President of the Lithuanian Association of Dermatovenerology